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Treble Crochet Stitch

The Treble Crochet, written as tr in crochet patterns, is a tall and loose stitch that is about the size of 1 and 1/2 double crochet. The Treble Crochet is often used as a design element rather than the main stitch in the design. It’s great for achieving extra height in a fabric.


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Treble Crochet Video Tutorial

For this tutorial, we are using Mary Maxim’s Best Value Yarn in the color Cottonwood, and a size I-9 (5.5 mm) hook.

Step 1: Chain 13; (9+ 4) The last three chains are the same as a Treble Crochet, so all together, we’ll have 10 stitches. Take a look at our video on How to Chain if you need assistance.

how to treble crochet step 1
how to treble crochet step 2

Step 2: Yarn over twice by wrapping the yarn from behind around the hook two times and insert your hook into the middle of the 5 chain from the hook. The 4 skipped chains count as the first dc when indicated in the pattern.

Step 3:  Yarn over and pull the yarn through.

how to tr crochet

Step 4: Yarn over and pull the yarn through 2 loops on the hook.

Step 5: Yarn over and pull the yarn through 2 loops on the hook again.

treble crochet tutorial
how to treble crochet

Step 6: yarn over and pull the yarn through the 2 remaining loops on the hook.

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned! We have many more Stitch Tutorials coming your way. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to knit or crochet, then now is a great time to start. There is so much more to come, so make sure to subscribe and never miss a thing!  Try How to Front Post Double Crochet FPdc Next!

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