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Mary Maxim's Mystery Crochet-Along 2017

Mary Maxim's Mystery Crochet-Along 2017

Kendra Sagash |

Get ready for Mary Maxim's first Mystery Crochet-Along! Over the next 15 weeks, we will be crocheting a total of 42 squares to complete a sampler afghan. Each square will be numbered for easy assembly when we are finished and the patterns will be released weekly on Friday's.  You can duplicate the color scheme we are using or use any colors of your choice. This is a great opportunity to use up some of your stash! Using worsted weight yarn, each square will measure 7 inches by 7 inches. Due to the fact that this blanket is made from so many different stitch patterns, it is highly suggested that you make sure to check your gauge on each square as you go along and adjust your hook size as needed. It is so important that each square end up finishing at the same size for assembly.We recommend our Mary Maxim Starlette yarn for this crochet-along. The whole blanket requires 1620 yards to complete. The first square will be posted here on the blog on Friday, so get ready! We look forward to going on this crochet journey with you and can't wait to see the colors you choose! Be sure to subscribe to the blog to get the posts sent right to your inbox.
1 minute read


Hi Karin! At the top right of the blog page there is a place to enter your email address and click “subscribe”. You will then get an email when each is released!

Heather Mango,

Hi, this looks like a lot of fun. How do I sign up and get the patterns?
Thanks. Karin


sounds interesting!


Sounds great,I love doing the mystery afghans.When is the first clue being released?

Betty Eason,

Eagerly waiting for the cal to start


Would bulky acrylic work? I have a great amount in two different colours and would love to make a sampler from them. A larger-size afghan would be fine with me!

Tracy Rafferty,

I need help! Where and how do I subscribe so I may join y’all?

Miriam Breezee,

Sounds like fun

Renae M Gawith,

Yes, do not forget a main color also used for assembly, that color will take more yardage.

Kendra Sagash,


Kendra Sagash,

Be sure to subscribe so you do not miss a pattern.

Kendra Sagash,

All you have to do is subscribe to our blog and we will email you notification of each post about the CAL.

Kendra Sagash,

This is a free crochet along, be sure to subscribe so you do not miss a pattern.

Kendra Sagash,

It will be posted on Friday.

Kendra Sagash,

All you have to do is subscribe to our blog and you will receive notifications in your email.

Kendra Sagash,

We are using 3 colors: Natural, light green and deep green. The natural color will be the primary color and used for assembly also. We encourage you to pick your own colors or you can follow our color reference. This pattern is so versatile you can make each square a different color completely.

Kendra Sagash,

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