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Employee Spotlight - Lindsey K

Employee Spotlight - Lindsey K

Kendra Sagash |

Many components and faces make up our Mary Maxim family. Every person that works here plays a vital part in how our company performs and excels. Lindsey K is one of those very vital people that work in our call center. She has been with us for 4 years and in that time she went from Customer Service Representative to also holding a Supervisor title. She supervises some of our night shifts and covers call center supervisors when they are on vacation or out of the office. She is an intelligent and versatile employee.

Lindsey with her husband, Chris, and their son Gunnar.

Lindsey's first memory of Mary Maxim is coming here with her grandmother. They came to our retail store to have a blanket embroidered. She loved watching the machine do its magic. Since being here, Lindsey has watched our company go thru a few changes, like our items being added to Amazon, Ebay and now Walmart. She is an integral part in making sure these orders process and helping these customers with their questions. She is also excited about the new departments our company is adding, like the Social Media department and Project Assistance, she knows our company is staying with the current trends and times.

Lindsey claims she is not a crafty person, but since working here she has learned to knit and purl. She most enjoys helping our customers and solving problems and issues with orders or shipping dilemmas. She loves hearing about the crafting work our customers do for NICU's and nurseries. This holds a special place in her heart, she herself is a mom of a preemie. The staff here were blessed to watch her announce her pregnancy and see her glow. The staff was going to throw her a mini baby shower here in the office, but the baby was delivered at 35 weeks by emergency c-section. She just celebrated his 1st birthday and couldn't imagine her life without him.

What Lindsey loves most about working here is that the company is family oriented. She likes feeling the support and caring nature of the company. After her husband survived a horrible work related accident, she received cards and an outpouring of support not only from co-workers but also the owner Rusty. It was an eye-opening experience and it showed her how our company is loving and truly like family. Lindsey looks forward to growing with the company as it expands into new avenues of business. We are thankful for everything that Lindsey does for us and are so grateful that she is part of our Mary Maxim family.

2 minute read

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