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Tutorial with GoodKnit Kisses!

Tutorial with GoodKnit Kisses!

Heather Mango |

We are so excited to have worked with Kristen Mangus aka "GoodKnit Kisses" for a fun and informative tutorial on our Painted Tiles Wrap kit. Kristen breaks down how to knit a mitered square, gives you tips, and shows you how to work your final triangle. Kristen offers over 350 videos on her YouTube channel that show you knit, crochet and lots of loom knitting and inspiration. Kristen's upbeat personality is a breath of fresh air and is sure to get you pumped up about crafting. Kristen also has a website, a free app, and is all over social media spreading her love for all things crafty. We hope you enjoy the video and be sure to check out all of the free resources Kristen has to offer!
1 minute read

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