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2025 Knit or Crochet Contest Rules and Entry Information

We are grateful to the following sponsors for their participation:

All entries will be divided into 4 categories: Hand Knit Afghan, Crochet Afghan, and Baby Blanket (knit or crochet).

All categories will be judged separately. Please try to keep full size afghans approximately 48" x 60" in size; Baby blankets approximately 32" x 42" in size or as close as possible. We realize some afghans or blankets will finish bigger or even smaller, in order to accomodate designs.

All entries must be original designs. Taking patterns or designs from any other source will disqualify your entry. You may get inspiration from any source, but plagiarizing another person’s work will result in your entry being disqualified and ineligible for any cash prize. For example, merely changing the color, a few stitches or rows of pattern in another person’s design is not acceptable - your work must be significantly different from any published work. Any entry using a licensed character design (Disney characters, etc) is not eligible and will be returned before judging.

All entries will be judged on an equal basis for their design appeal, use of stitches, color and materials. We ask you use Mary Maxim yarns or yarns produced by our list of sponsors (shown below). We also request that all yarns used should be current and readily available (you can check by asking when purchasing your yarns or by checking on a web site for that particular brand of yarn). We will also look at the quality of workmanship, finishing, appearance and cleanliness. Winning entries will be photographed for publication in our catalog, therefore, soiled entries will be returned - they will not be judged.

One First place winning entry will be chosen from each category and each will be awarded a $500 cash prize. The GRAND PRIZE WINNER will be selected from these 4 winners and will be awarded an additional $1500 cash prize. All winners will have their names appear with their winning entry in a future publication and online. All First and Second place winning entries and instructions will become the sole property of Mary Maxim Inc. as well as holding of all copyrights and distribution rights of same winning patterns.

Non-winning entries may be awarded a 2nd place, 3rd place or Honorable Mention, all with a cash prize. The instructions for these winners will also become the sole property of Mary Maxim Inc. as well as holding of all copyrights and distribution rights to these patterns. Projects (and instructions) awarded a 2nd place, will also become the sole property of Mary Maxim Inc. as well as holding of all copyrights and distribution rights of same winning patterns. Projects (and instructions) awarded a 2nd place will also become the sole property of Mary Maxim Inc as well as holding of all copyrights and distribution rights of same winning patterns. Projects that are awarded a 3rd place or Honorable Mention will be returned after we have completed final patterns and photography. These entries may also appear in a future publication or online along with the designer’s name.

When designing your entry, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to keep accurate count of materials you use, including types of yarn, yardage (not ounces) of each color, needles, hooks and any other accessories that you use. We have provided space on your entry form for recording your material requirements. Please print all information clearly and in ink. We suggest you write your pattern as you work

- this will help you avoid omitting any part of the pattern. DO NOT Send your pattern with your entry. If you are a winner, we will request your pattern along with a detailed list of yardages, yarns and all materials used. Patterns must be typed in legible format and use standard stitches and abbreviations from the Craft Yarn Council ( or you may risk disqualification. Where possible, we will request patterns to be emailed.

New: Patterns that have been tested will be received more favorably and given preference during judging. Status of testing and name of tester should be included with entry.


Entering The Knit or Crochet Contest

1. A completed Entry Form (Download Here) and Fee must be in our office before June 20th, 2025. A fee of $10 for one entry, ($5 for each additional entry), must accompany the entry form. This nonrefundable fee is for the handling, repacking, insurance and return of your project(s). Return shipping of entries will begin after judging has been completed. DO NOT send completed projects at this time!

2. Firmly attach a 4" x 4" piece of paper (this is your Entry Tag) to the front, at bottom right hand corner, of each entry with the following information CLEARLY printed in ink. Any project received without an Entry Tag will not be considered during the judging. Each project will be assigned a number as they are received.
Complete Mailing Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Name of your Design
Category entered

Again, send only your project, not the pattern.

3. To be eligible, completed projects must be received by July 22nd, 2025. Any entry received after July 23rd will be returned to the sender. If your project is not completed or does not reach Mary Maxim by the appropriate date, no refunds will be made. Mary Maxim is not responsible for damage or loss occurring in transit. Judging will take place at the beginning of August 2025.
All winners will be notified by phone by August 18th, 2025.

Please send your entry to:
2025 Knit and Crochet Contest
Attn: Becky Symons
2001 Holland Ave
Port Huron, MI 48060

We are grateful to the following sponsors for their participation: