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Capot pour animaux de compagnie en crochet Woodlands

Woodlands Crochet Along-Basketweave Pet Cowl

Gwen Bautista |

Capot pour animaux de compagnie en basketweave gratuit

Crochetons ensemble #woodlandsCAL ! Nous serions ravis de voir vos progrès sur ce capot pour chien Basketweave de Mary Maxim . Regardez cette vidéo sur le point basketweave. C'est un point amusant à apprendre et très polyvalent. Restez également à l'écoute pour notre prochain modèle d'animal de compagnie, The Shell Stitch Pet Cowl, qui sortira le mercredi 20 décembre ! En attendant, voyons vos points de suture. Montrez votre travail sur Facebook ou sur Instagram avec #woodlandsCAL et vous pourriez gagner du fil Mary Maxim Woodlands pour votre prochaine couverture. Nous tirerons au sort un gagnant le mercredi 27 décembre. N'oubliez pas de nous suivre sur Instagram , Pinterest et Facebook .
1 minute de lecture

7 commentaires

[…] of our favorite basketweave stitches. We’ve used the basketweave stitch on our dog cowl with a nice tutorial on working (Front Post Double Crochet) FPDC and BPDC (Back Post Double Crochet) in this pattern […]

National Craft Month- Free Pattern Download Fridays,

Yes, it’s the foundation chains. We add the multiples of 6 recommendation in there so you can modify our pattern for larger or smaller sizes, for instance, if you prefer to do a basketweave pattern in multiples of 4 or 8. When following our pattern to crochet a medium breed cowl you should have a total of 21 chains. This is 6 × 3 = 18; 18 + 3=21. Then work the basketweave stitch back and forth for 6 inches. This works the front of the cowl and should look like a small rectangle before beginning the shaping.

Gwen Bautista,

Yes, I understand back of loop, maybe the problem starts at the foundation row. How many chains for medium dog. I did 20 medium chains times 6 equals 120 plus 3 equals
123 chains for foundation row then I worked for 6 basket weave and then the shaping for the curve. Are you suppose to work on just the first 18 sets.or are you suppose to work 18 stitches and the continue in basket weave to end of row then turn.
For row 2 work in basket weave to last 18 stitches then work shape the curve row 2. Maybe that would work???
Thank for you help!


Hi Margaret, We are so glad you are working our basketweave pattern. Essentially what we are doing is contouring one side of the cowl. We are doing this by tapering the size of our stitches from (Front or Back Post Double Crochet) then in the middle of your row to a (Front or Back Post Half Double Crochet) then to create a ridge on the side closest to your dog’s collar working in single crochet of the back loop only. When finished there should be a curve to the Cowl, not an L shape. I think you are missing the single crochet of the back loop only.

Gwen Bautista,

Need help with the basket weave pet cowl. Trying to make medium sized cowl. I thought all was ok until shaping for the curve. Are you only working on the first 18 stitches for 21 inches ( neck size ).
This makes an " L" shape. What am I doing wrong?
I was making this as a Xmas gift but perhaps a New Years gift would work.


Hi Helen, many times if you are having trouble downloading our patterns it’s a browser issue Safari tends to be troublesome and we recomend firefox or chrome and to use a desktop computer. If you would like to email us which pattern you were trying to download we can email it to you.

Gwen Bautista,

I have tried several times to download some of the patterns and have not been able to, disappointing!


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