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Défi Team Spirit Crochet Along - Semaine 2

Team Spirit Crochet Along Challenge - Week 2

Gwen Bautista |

Bienvenue à la semaine 2 !

Option 3 Cette semaine, dans notre crochet, nous ajoutons la majeure partie de notre chapeau. Ce chapeau fonctionne très bien et nous sommes très satisfaits des résultats jusqu'à présent. Ce sera un excellent chapeau de talonnage ou tout simplement un joli chapeau chaud pour éloigner l'air glacial de l'automne pendant que vous encouragez votre équipe préférée. Regardez la vidéo de la semaine 2 pour notre crochet. Cette semaine, nous offrons 3 écheveaux de Trendy Baby . Publiez une photo de votre travail jusqu'à présent et vendredi, nous tirerons au sort des heureux gagnants pour recevoir de merveilleux écheveaux.
1 minute de lecture

5 commentaires

Thanks, Hannah! We are glad you are enjoying our project. We were hoping to have our knit along ready but we can’t decide on patterns yet. Hopefully, we will make up our minds soon. We try to keep our patterns in the beginner/intermediate area and short and sweet.

Gwen Bautista,

Hi Gwen, the tri color slouchy hat looks beautiful. With the instructions being clear and concise it will have a beginner Crocheter feeling like a professional Crocheter in no time!! I am a bi-stitchual. However, crochet will likely always have the edge, because, unlike knitting, I learned crochet as a child. Would love to read your stories. Thanks again for the pattern.


THANKS!!!! I LOVE this blog! They had a NEAT Bath set once and I have the SUPER CUTE EASY pattern for it. I think it was during one of your summer months last yr? But they ARE CUTE AND EASY to do!

I’m not much of a crocheter but LOVE knitting! I Should just do both as many do! But I find knitting More therapeutic then crocheting…………..

Yeah……….you have that right! Crocheters do seem to get more attention then us knitters! THANKS for trying to give us Equal rights! LOL


Thank You, Dianne, we are about to start our Knit Along, you will most likely see more information about it next week. We understand that crocheters get a lot more attention and we are trying to balance that a little better. I think you will be excited about our next few projects, and we have some great stories coming to our blog.

Gwen Bautista,

FIRST! I’d LOVE to compliment you on doing this stuff! I LOVE READING it ALL! WONDERFUL NEWS! More so when we see such NEGATIVE news!!! So this IS a TRUE Blessing! GREAT JOB!!! WELL DONE!
But could you Possibly and VERY Kindly put some more stuff on Knitting for us Knitters? I Don’t do much crocheting so I would LOVE to see a few more things on knitting if possible!


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